Certified system

Certificazione n°162 UNI EN ISO 9001:2015.

In 1995 Kemcolor obtained the Certification No.162 UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015, guaranteeing our customers’ satisfation with the best service and premium products.

In accordante with ISO 9001: 2015 standards, our company is committed to meeting their needs and expectations – as well as the applicable regulatory requirements.



ZDHC: Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals

ZDHC is the acronym for Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals, an international program of environmental protection born after DETOX campaign, which has been launched by Greenpeace in 2011 after several studies on pollution of textile, leather and footwear industries that supply major global brands.  

DETOX program challenge manufactories to eliminate within 2020 some hazardous chemical substances from their supplier chain. ZDHC borns for this reason: it is a plan that aims to decrease drastically the hazardous chemical substances along supply chain within 2020.

ZDHC project started at first thanks to some top global brands that create it focused on the principles of transparency, prevention and precaution in the chemicals management.

These are fundamental targets of ZDHC:

  • Eliminate or replace hazardous chemicals 
  • Develop transparent processes to promote safer chemistry
  • Develop effective tools, good practices and the formation to improve chemicals management
  • Promote the collaborations with stakeholders to reach better chemicals management


ZDHC – Gateway

In order to reduce the use of hazardous chemical substances within the supply chain, in 2017 the ZDHC Gateway has been developed, a portal to exchange data.

This database allows to chemical products and dyestuffs producers to share securely all the information about their products related to the strictest international standards and compliant with ZDHC MRSL. His use and consultation help the factories to make better decisions about raw materials supplying.

On KEM COLOR S.p.A. profile on ZDHC gateway, you can find the list (continuously updated) of our products compliant with ZDHC MRSL.



GOTSGlobal Organic Textile Standard

GOTSGlobal Organic Textile Standard

GOTS is recognized as the most important standard for the sustainable production of clothing and textiles made with natural fibers from organic farming such as organic cotton or organic wool. The following can be certified according to the GOTS: Textile products; Chemical products for the textile industry; Manufacturing activity




THE BLUE WAY by BLUESIGN represents the vision and mindset of responsible and sustainable manufacturing of textile consumer products. BLUESIGN is a system that provides safer and more sustainable environments for people to work in and everyone to live in. Powered by a holistic approach, BLUESIGN traces each textile’s path along the manufacturing process, making improvements at every stage from factory floor to finished product. BLUESIGN changes the environmental impact of textiles for good. As a solution provider and knowledge broker, BLUESIGN acts as an independent verifier to secure trust and transparency. Corresponding to this approach, BLUESIGN encourages the industry to increase their efforts in sustainable processes step by step.

